
Frequently asked questions (FAQ):

What means EFOL?

in German language: Europäischer Forstlicher Orientierungs-Lauf (EFOL)
that means European Foresters’ Orienteering Championships

What is EFOL?

EFOL is an event for European foresters, which offers:

  * Official championships in orienteering
    (individual (park-race and middle distance) and relay race distributed into
    age classes).
  * Further education in the form of forest and cultural excursions and a forest
  * Social gathering and fruitful relations among forest professionals and their
Who can participate?

The EFOL is open for employees, pensioners and contractors of forestry organisations – including forestry educational and research institutions –, for forest owners, for individuals with a forest education and for family members of persons mentioned above and being citizen of a European country.

Registration for participation should be channeled through the Team Leader of the respective country. The number of participants is not limited.